Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Telfords Camping Trip

Who wants to go camping?

We made it to the campground. Now what's that sound? Why it's hummingbirds. A LOT of hummingbirds. See, there are a bunch at the caretaker's cabin.

O.K. The play area has snow on it, so I don't want you going on it, but yes, you can make snow balls to throw.

Are you watching Daddy set up our new tent?

Wow, over 6 feet tall and you can actually stand up in our tent.

Let's go for a walk. If the bugs scare you, you can scare them back.
Trying out the new sleeping bags we got with the birthday money Grandma and Grandpa Telford sent for getting a new tent and other camping gear.
Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa.
After dinner and dessert (hot dogs and S'mores), let's teach the kids to play UNO. It was a tradition for camping trips when I was young.
Good job, Nichole, you won your first time playing.
Good job, Nichole, you won again.
Ah, refreshing morning. The kids are still asleep in their sleeping bags. Though setting the tent on a slight decline caused the kids to slide down off their mats and Jr. onto Nichole's.

Look, there's no snow on the play area this morning. You kids play and I can watch you right from my spot by our nice warm campfire.

Packing up to head home?

This was a good family camping trip.


  1. Looks like a really, really, awesome time. Glad you got to go!

  2. I agree with Rae. I wish I could have gone.

  3. It looks like you had a great time! We love to camp, but I admire you. Little kids in a tent is a lot of work, and I only had 1 before we got our pop up trailer!
