Monday, September 28, 2009

How My Weekend Went

The weekend started out pretty good. Friday morning, the kitchen was pretty clean. Dishes done. I was doing laundry. The kids helped me bake bread. I was wearing an apron that my mom made for me. There's something about wearing an apron that makes me feel suitably domestic. I even remember noting the time and mentioning to Jeremy that we had already accomplished so much by 10am.

Friday afternoon, I started feeling kind of icky. I didn't know if I needed to eat something or if I was sick to my stomach. Jeremy had felt that way Thursday. He finally threw up and felt much better. He was feeling well enough to stay home with the kids while I went to a class I've been taking Thursday nights. O.K. So maybe it was the same thing, and it wouldn't be so bad.
Friday evening after throwing up several times, I realized I needed Jeremy to stay home from work because I wasn't going to be leaving the bathroom anytime soon. So, wonderful husband that he is, he stayed home, made dinner for the kids, helped them make monkey bread for dessert, played with them, got them all ready for bed, got them to bed. In between all this he would come to the bathroom to check on me, refill water for me so I would have something to throw up. He even brought a rug from the hall to put my pillow and towel on so I wouldn't be lying on the bare bathroom floor.

I don't want to go into too many details about how awful I felt. I'll just let you know I ended up staying in the bathroom for 11 hours. That's right. 11 hours. After getting the kids to bed, Jeremy got a book and plunked himself down in the hall to be available if I needed anything. He slept there. At about 3 something in the morning after I had finally gotten some sleep (not just dozing) on the floor, I woke up realizing that I wasn't going to throw up right away. Phew. I took a few minutes, got up, woke Jeremy up in the hall, and crawled into our bed with him. Then a few minutes later I got up and went back to the bathroom to throw up. But... I was able to walk all the way back to our bedroom again. That's what I call progress.
I think my favorite part of the whole ordeal was looking up from time to time while throwing up and seeing my compassionate little boy standing in the bathroom doorway, laughing at me.
So, the rest of the weekend was spent recovering. Saturday morning our ward was having a Primary Activity for the children to bring their families to the Mount Timpanogos Temple grounds and walk around and experience the good feelings you can have at the temple and get their pictures taken there. I obviously didn't feel up to going, so Jeremy took the kids while I stayed home and watched Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan. After my 11 hours spent in the bathroom, Jeremy and I were both feeling pretty awake (at 3-4 in the morning), so we decided to put the movie on in the living room. I was too distracted with achiness to sleep and Jeremy had gotten up to help me and so was awake and felt like staying awake. I watched the first few minutes while lying on the couch, then fell asleep. I guess it was just the distraction I needed. So, I finished it while Jeremy and the kids were gone that morning.

Wow, this is getting to be a long post. The End.


  1. Aprons are such a great psychological tool. As soon as I put one on, I feel like I can do the cleaning I don't want to. Maybe I should put one on now.

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. Being sick as the mom is awful!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better, Kristin.
