Thursday, October 3, 2024

Some September Holidays

September 3 was Skyscraper Day. I made a couple skyscrapers out of mini jalapeno popper egg rolls. So good.

September 4 was National Wildlife Day. Jet and I saw some scrub jays on our morning walk.
Since Nichole went back to school and I've been getting Jet up when I take boys to school or buses, we've been going on walks often. It's nice bonding time.

Later we made a balloon delivery to Jeremy who was working on something special (more on that later).

That evening with our dinner we had two desserts since it was Eat an Extra Dessert Day. To go along with Shelftember, we had salad bar so we could use up spinach before it got too old and we got out salad fixins which haven't been used in a while. Our desserts were homemade cookies and otter pops.
Speaking of Shelftember, Jeremy was given food while working on the balloon build, so he brought me home leftovers which worked well for lunch. Yumm.

September 5 was Cheese Pizza Day and Be Late for Something Day. They boys were helping make pizza dough but were late taking the dough out of the Bosch. Tee Hee.
Besides our morning walk, Jet and I went in the evening for another walk, this time to Bridal Veil Falls. Jet enjoyed being in the stroller but did not want to get out when it was time to head home so we were late getting home. I guess he was just trying to celebrate the holiday.

He just wanted to play in the stroller. "I'm wearing a hat."

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