Sunday, October 6, 2024

Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Great Great Grandparents, You Get the Idea

September 8 was Grandparents Day. I wished my mom... and my sister... a Happy Grandparents Day. Toward the end of September, my niece had her third baby, so that gave my sister another grandchild and my parents another great grandchild.
It was also National Actors Day and one of my children was being dramatic.
Speaking of grandparents, great grandparents, etc., September 9 was President Russell M. Nelson's 100th birthday. 100! There was a broadcast we watched at home. I thought about making birthday cake but I was too busy that day. It's okay because Nichole's ward was doing a big birthday party FHE where they watched part of the broadcast and had birthday cake. 
I loved the broadcast. It felt really good to watch it. One of the people who spoke of what a wonderful person President Nelson is was one of his great grandchildren. Another was one of his daughters. They had such great things to say about him being a Christlike person.
A few days later, our stake had a service day. I was able to go help tie some quilts. I haven't done that in a while. I remember doing it with my mom for Relief Society activities when I was a kid. Ah, memories.
I was only going to stay for half an hour or so. I ended up staying three hours.
September 9 was also Wonderful Weirdos Day (celebrated just by being us) and International Sudoku Day. Lucky took time to work on a sudoku puzzle.

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