Monday, June 7, 2021

Towel Day 2021

May 25 was Towel Day. It was also Brown Bag It Day. It's a good thing I sent the three school age boys with towels in their backbacks since they all had field days at school. I also made sure to put a towel in the van.

That evening, the kids and I had a picnic with our dinner in brown bags as we sat on our picnic towel. Looking back I noticed that we did the same thing last year for these same holidays.

We got a really cute picture last year of us sitting on the towel with Jet looking back at the camera. This year we tried to get pictures... with interesting results.

The next day, May 26, was Paper Airplane Day. I didn't get pictures so I'll tell you here. Jeremy said we should get TV dinners and pretend they were airline food. We ate TV dinners. We didn't have time to make it a big thing, though, because we were running out of time and Nichole had a meeting. It was one of those "Here. I heated it up. Eat it then head back to your room so Nichole can have her meeting over Zoom" kind of meals. We've all had those... well, maybe not with the "Nichole" part. The boys did make paper airplanes that day, though, because they knew what the holiday was.

And Lucky had a pirate day at school that day. He is so cute.

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