Thursday, October 17, 2019

Oh Yes, We Did

October 14 was Chocolate Covered Insect Day. Jeremy had been looking and we finally found some in the gift shop at the Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point. Last time we celebrated in 2014 we got them at Farm Country and there were only 4 in the package (they weren't at Farm Country this time). This time there were 6 in the package. 1 for each of us. Nobody had to share a bug.
Nichole and Jr. Jr. had white chocolate meal worms. Jr. had a regular chocolate meal worm. Dad and Mom had regular chocolate crickets and Lucky had a white chocolate cricket. That's the one he really wanted.
We just had to celebrate this year. Lucky has been talking about it and talking about it. He really wanted to eat a chocolate covered insect since he didn't get to last time. He wasn't yet a year old at the time so I wouldn't let him have any.
Here are some of the comments heard this time-
Jr. and Jr. Jr.: It's like a chocolate covered pretzel.
Nichole: This makes me really want chocolate covered things.
Jr. Jr.: Ooh, you can see little legs.
Mom: It still tastes like a chocolate covered cracker.
Lucky: It was yummy... and crunchy. It was kind of weird but it tasted like chocolate.
I'm still confused how my pickiest eaters will balk at the meals I prepare them yet have no thought to eating a chocolate covered bug.
 I just love that last picture of me. What do you think? Facebook profile picture?
Earlier in the day, I was talking to my mom and told her, "Jeremy and I are going to head out to see if we can find some chocolate covered insects to celebrate the holiday today." Since October 14 was also Columbus Day, she was confused as to why we ate insects on Columbus Day. Jeremy explained it this way, "If Columbus' ship was going really fast and he was standing at the front of it with his mouth open..."
Have I mentioned I love my husband? And his humor?

I don't have any pictures but I can tell you about October 15. That is P.G. Wodehouse's birthday. We also found out it is National Grouch Day.
To celebrate, we watched The Great Muppet Caper. How does that celebrate those days, you ask? Well, at one point in the movie Miss Piggy and Kermit are hiding in a closet of some wealthy person's home since Miss Piggy is pretending to be a wealthy person herself. The door is opened and after a short conversation with a character played by John Cleese, Miss Piggy says, "Thank you, Jeeves," and she and Kermit leave. Now P.G. Wodehouse wrote the "Jeeves" books so you can see that we were excited that came up in the movie.
As for National Grouch Day, Oscar the Grouch has a cameo in this movie alongside Peter Ustinov. That was what made us decide to watch that movie. The Jeeves line was just an added bonus.

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