Friday, May 4, 2018

International Respect for Chickens Day 2018

It's May the 4th.  Besides being Star Wars Day, it is International Respect for Chickens Day.

Once again we made a video of ZZ and Lucky celebrating a holiday.

A story about this video:
ZZ has experience with chickens.  Lucky does not.  He was a little intimidated at first but warmed up a bit as he helped take care of these chickens.  The kids were very careful while petting the chicken that was out.  They fed the chickens.  They collected eggs and put fluff (pine shavings) in the nesting box.
When we get eggs from these chickens, Jeremy and I are the ones who wash the eggs off before using them.  Lucky is not.  He was not used to the stuff that comes with the eggs when the hens lay them.  It scared him.  It's not like the eggs that come from the store.

ZZ and Lucky will be making more videos together so check back on my YouTube channel as well as here at my blog to see how a couple of 4-year olds...

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The KAT's Meow

Lucky: You're going to babysit me?
Mom: I don't babysit you. 
Lucky: Why don't you babysit me?
Mom: I'm your mom.  I nurture you.
Lucky: You murder me?
Mom (laughing): I don't murder you.  I nurture you.