Monday, June 3, 2024

Birthday Goals

We reached the last day of school. I remembered to get last day of school pictures of the boys.
Last month I got a picture of Nichole while she was taking her last final. So I got her last day of picture, too.
When I told Jeremy that I got last day of school pictures of the boys, he sent me a "last few minutes of break" picture so I could add that to the collection. I love my husband.
I also celebrated my birthday.
When Jeremy asked me how birding had gone, he asked me if I'd spotted anything rare. I told him, "Nothing rare. Juvenile robins and starlings." It gave him the impression that those were the only things I'd seen. I had to quickly mention that I had seen a lot of other birds but those were the ones I don't see as often. I did see Western Tanagers for the first time this year. It was relaxing going birding that day.

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