Thursday, May 6, 2021

Birding Weekend

So much catching up to do. Wish me luck.
Before Jeremy and I went on our "date" on Saturday the 17th, the kids and I went along a portion of the Provo River Trail to look for birds. 
I think the highlight was the rooster who was hanging out by the bank of the river overseeing the ducks swimming around. That and the cows that were mooing. They got Jet mooing, too.

Sunday, we all went for a drive to look at birds. We went to several spots. The highlight: the domestic geese with their cute little fuzzy goslings. So adorable. The kids all wanted to take pictures with the camera (except Jet). Their favorites:

Jr. Jr.

Jr. told me to pick my favorite of his pictures. I love this one.
While we were in the van, we snacked on Animal Crackers. Why? Because April 18 was National Animal Crackers Day, of course. It was also Velociraptor Awareness Day so while the kids were watching the goslings, I was watching a cormorant swimming around. I've often thought cormorants look like dinosaurs. 
Here's a picture from 2016 since I can't find a picture on my blog. Dinosaur, right?
That evening the kids made dinner. Nichole made jalapeno pasta. Jr. made baguettes for everyone. Jr. Jr. made chocolate covered bananas. Lucky provided broccoli and blueberries (but not together).

Monday, Jet and I went for a walk in the same area along the Provo River Trail again. This time we had fun listening to the little goats bleat. Jet was baaing back at them. That was the highlight for me. I enjoyed hanging out with my little guy on Hanging Out Day, April 19.
So that was our birding weekend.

There's so much more to catch up on but you know... May is about trying to survive the last month of school and other activities so bear with me.

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