Sunday, May 11, 2014

The KAT's Meow- 3 Year Old

Mommy:  Let's change gears.
Jr. Jr. (while wiggling his ears):  I'm changing my ears.

Mommy (singing for Lucky):  I only have eyes for you.
Jr. Jr.:  And he only has a nose, too.

Jr. Jr.:  I have a funny joke.  Knock Knock.
Mommy:  Who's there?
Jr. Jr.:  Why did the car crash into the table?
Mommy:   Why did the car crash into the table Who?
Jr. Jr.:  Why did the car crash into the table- I need a drink of water.

Mommy:  Do you love your little baby?
Jr. Jr.:  Yep.  I love him so much that I'm not going to eat him.

Jr. Jr. (while playing archery on Wii Sports Resort):  I have a great joke about this.  Why did the arrow land on a thing that was like a circle?
Mommy:  Why did the arrow land on a thing that was like a circle? 
Jr. Jr.:  Because it had no ways to go on the grass. 

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