Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dinosaur Day 2012

When Jeremy got home from taking Nichole to school, we revealed to each other that we had the exact same thought.  To celebrate Dinosaur Day, May 15th, we wanted to go down to the Paleontology Museum at BYU.
It never happened.  It was one of those days.  Instead we went to Nielson's Grove in Orem.  We spent most of time watching the little ducklings in the pond. 
They were soooooo cute.  Jeremy took A LOT of pictures.

The boys played on the playground a little.

This evening for Family Home Evening we went to another park.  Heritage Park in Cedar Hills.  I wanted a park with shade.  That one has it.  It was so relaxing to listen to the stream and watch my sweet family.  We even played Pooh Sticks.

We finished the night with our FHE treat of Sweet Dutch Baby, a recipe from the April 2012 issue of FamilyFun Magazine.

We explained to the kids that they were basically Ancestor Pancakes with apples in them.

We finally got some dinosaur themed activities in- reading dinosaur themed books.

I read "How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague to the kids before bed.

It was a good family day.


  1. we love the book "How do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?"

  2. I got nice hugs and kisses and not a lot of whining after reading it. Maybe we should read it more often before bed.

  3. We love that park! We should go see the ducklings while they are small....
