Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Bet you'll never guess what Jeremy and his parents got me for Mother's Day/My Birthday.
My guesses:
When I stumbled past it at 3 o'clock in the morning in the dark to get Jr. Jr. a drink of milk, I didn't look very closely at it.  Jeremy had told me it was there but I like surprises.  So by the basic shape and not looking directly at it I guessed a giant clock... in the shape of a giant birdhouse?  I did mention this was 3 o'clock in the morning.
In the morning when I came around the corner and saw the basic shape, I thought ironing board?  C'mon, it's got the stand.
Then of course when my brain finished processing the rest of the shape, I knew exactly what it was.
Even before I unwrapped it.  And don't you love Jeremy's wrapping job?

Here's me with the rest of my Mother's Day haul from Nichole at school to what the Relief Society and ward gave me to the sweet things my kids made for me during Primary and Sacrament Meeting.                     
Including the little pot Nichole brought home from school.  It looks like they grew some grass from seeds and made paper flowers on popsicle sticks with nice things they can do for their moms during this next week.

I hope everyone else had a good Mother's Day regardless of whether you're a mom or not.


  1. Very impressive wrapping skills. Yay for having a keyboard. Happy (late) Mother's Day!

  2. Tricky, tricky, what could it be? ;)
