Saturday, February 23, 2013

National Rationalization Day 2013

I can't think of how to be clever for this post, so I'm not going to try.  That's rationalizing, right?
We let the kids know that today, February 23, is National Rationalization Day, so throughout the day they figured out excuses for things (fun things).  We did let them know, as I mentioned last year, that there are some things you just don't rationalize.  Rationalizing doesn't mean you get out of the consequences.

Now back to me not being clever.  My day started out like this:

As I was cleaning up the kitchen table to get breakfast ready, I accidentally knocked over our fancy candles we got for my bridal shower years ago (thanks, Katrina).  We use these for special occasions and unfortunately, they don't always get put away.  So, they broke.  Sigh.  I liked those candles.  Oh, well.  As I told Jeremy, at least now we don't have to figure out where to store them.  When I told him that, he said, "Way to rationalize, honey."  Yeah, and that's how I started the day celebrating.

Now on to the good stuff.  We had a movie on hold at the library and it came in yesterday.  It's another one of those nature type films.  It's called "Winged Migration" and is about migratory birds all over the world.  Jeremy and I thought it would be great to have some family fun like we did when we watched "Chimpanzee."  We wouldn't have time to do it for Family Home Evening and there weren't any holidays coming up that fit into the theme.  But National Rationalization Day was coming up.  That was a good enough excuse.  So while the kids ate their breakfast of toast or bagels and hot chocolate (bread for birds, right?), I set up "nests" for them in the living room.

After breakfast, we sent them to collect pillows and blankets to add to their nests and we all snuggled up in our nests to watch the movie.  Jeremy and I got to share a nest on the couch since we're the mom and dad.
So yeah, that was our main way of celebrating.

Other ways we rationalized today:
Jr. wasn't feeling well so the kids got to watch movies all day.
The kids got to stay up late because I was late in making dinner and making them go to bed because I was playing on the computer (but not writing a blog post), and because I let them get away with the "just a few minutes more, Mom" excuse while they were reading books.
There were other things we rationalized, but I think I've mentioned enough.  Now I have just a few more minutes left in the day, so I better waste them just so I can say the reason is because it's National Rationalization Day.  And you know how I mentioned that even if you rationalize you still have to face the consequences?  I should have written this blog post and gone to bed hours ago.  I'm going to feel it in the morning.  Sigh.

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