Sunday, April 29, 2012

Celebrations We Missed

As you know, we've been busy, busy, busy. I blogged about a lot of the ways we've been celebrating, but I missed a few holidays we did celebrate. Now's my chance to catch up.

January 23 was Chinese New Year.
Food, friends, and our Chinese dragon even made an appearance.  Chinese New Year started the Year of the Dragon- my husband let me know it is the Water Dragon.

January 31 was Backward Day.
We ate pizza backwards. Jr. wore his clothes backwards. The boys switched places on the way to dance class. Jr. fell asleep and Jr. Jr. stayed awake. Usually, it's the other way around.

You already know about the mini rose Jeremy got me for Valentine's Day.
He also made heart shaped pancakes and a heart shaped pizza. He got us Joe versus the Volcano (love that movie). I left love notes for him around the apartment. Nice day.

March 7 was National Cereal Day.
 I took a picture of a bowl of cereal.

March 19 was Poultry Day.
I took a picture of our dinner of orange chicken.  Yumm.

And I've pretty much kept up with the April holidays we celebrated.

Phew, now I can stop thinking about catching up and move on with my life.

1 comment:

  1. We celebrate National Cereal Day daily, sometimes twice. :)
