Monday, September 19, 2011

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2011

Ahoy Mateys! Today, September 19th, be Talk Like a Pirate Day. If ye be wantin' to celebrate, here be some ideas:

Read me blog post about the holiday from 2 years ago.

View this pirate parody sculpted with balloons by me husband.

click on the picture to see it bigger

Craft some pirate jewelry.

Make a treasure map to find yer hidden booty.

Cut out and color an eyepatch.

Bake a piratey cake.

Partake of some pirate-themed swill. Marshmallow Mateys or Cap'n Crunch. Eat some golden corn, black pearls (olives), and carrot hooks (slice carrots thinly so they bend over when you hold them up).

Listen to piratey tunes. Watch a swashbuckling movie. Play a game full of piratey fun. Some of our favorites be The Princess Bride- with the dread pirate Roberts, The Pirates of the Caribbean, The Pirates of Penzance, Muppet Treasure Island, VeggieTales- anything with the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, and Monkey Island- all five computer games.

And of course ye'll be wantin' to talk like a pirate all day. Arrr.

Well, me hearties, what other swashbucklin' ideas do you have for celebratin' this fun holiday?

1 comment:

  1. Those are some fun ideas. Sadly, pregnant mommy had no energy for fun yesterday and daddy came home after bedtime. Boo!
