Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Opportunities to Serve

There is a song that says, "Because I have been given much I too must give." I've always loved that song. I feel like I have so many blessings in my life. Even when things are hard, I still can count my blessings ("Count Your Blessings," incidentally, is another song I like). I feel like lately we've been given the opportunity to serve others and we've been taking those opportunities.
Sometimes it's serving in our own home. On Blueberry Pancake Day, January 28, I not only made blueberry pancakes but I also made chocolate chip pancakes and plain pancakes since there are different likes among my family members.
I planned to make a normal sized batch of taco soup this year for National Corn Chip Day, January 29, instead of filling the stockpot to the top with 7 times the recipe. I couldn't find any regular sized cans of hominy, though (which is how it all got started all those years ago), so I got a can to make a double batch. Making a double batch turned out to be the right thing since some neighbors were going through a great trial and we were able to offer them dinner. We had enough soup to share and we had french bread in the freezer so I was able to make garlic bread to go with it. I was able to give them a casserole and a loaf of homemade bread another day. It was the least we could do along with prayers for them during their trial.
Lucky's Activity Days group was split because of the number of boys they had so he got some new leaders. He wanted to do something for them and the boys at their first activity together, so he made cookies to take.
Jet and I were able to help an injured neighbor collect eggs from her chickens because it was hard for her. She was nice and let us keep the eggs we collected. Jr. Jr. and Lucky helped me collect eggs another time. They all enjoyed it.

Nichole and Jr. had an orchestra recital and got there early enough to help set up then helped clean up afterward.
I was able to use what I've been learning about shelf cooking and freezer meals to make some on the road food for Nichole and Jr. that night. They had to leave orchestra rehearsal early at a neighboring high school in order for me to drive them over to the orchestra recital at their high school.
Sometimes it's simple acts of service that are easy for us but make a big difference for someone else. I have been given much so it is a blessing for me to give to others.

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