Saturday, January 19, 2013

Note to Self

Celebrating Brew a Potion Day, January 19, should be done with adult supervision.

I didn't get pictures of the green drops all over the kitchen table and floor, or the potential stains on the dish towels and socks, or the green fingers, or the 2-year old holding the thankfully closed container of blue food coloring.
I did get a picture of their not quite finished potions.  Not quite finished because Mom didn't let them finish when she found all of the above. 

Some notable quotes from this morning-

Mom:  You only need a few drops of food coloring, maybe two, maybe even one.

Mom:  If you'll be patient, I can help you when I'm done.

Nichole:  Mom, where's the food coloring?
Mom:  In the cupboard.
Nichole:  Which cupboard?
Mom:  The one above.
Nichole:  The one above what?
Mom:  The one above the counter.
Nichole:  Which counter?
Mom: (thinking to self- I'll help you when I'm done.)
Nichole:  Oh, I found it.

Mom:  Are you wearing painting shirts?

Nichole:  You need a container like this and a lid.  I'll get it for you.
Mom:  (thinking to self- One of the lids had a crack in it, we probably don't even have it anymore.)

Nichole:  Then you shake it up.

Mom:  Do you know what food coloring does?  It colors things.  We don't need a green table.

Mom:  Do you know what food coloring does?  It colors things.  You don't need green fingers.

Nichole:  We're not done with our potions.
Jr.:  I just need to put Italian Seasoning in it.

Nichole:  Why are you taking off our socks?
Mom points to spots of green on socks.
Nichole:  Oh.

Nichole:  Can I do some more to my potion?

Nichole:  Can I drink my potion?
Mom:  No.

1 comment:

  1. Love the "Can I drink it?" "No." What a patient momma. I don't think I could have just said no, it would have come with a little more upset :)
